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wrought iron fork, wooden handle
convicted in andover, massachusetts,1692
of "practicing the black arts"
the carringtons
george burroughs
goody bassett
goody ayers
martha carrier
the corys
sarah dashton
the greensmiths
mary glover
mary easty
lydia gilbert
the englishes
elizabeth how
george jacobs
brigid bishop
the goodes
mary barnes
susannah martin
elizabeth knapp
margaret jones
elizabeth kendall
mary johnson
alice lake
rebecca nurse
sarah osburne
mary osgood
alice parker
installation views
mary sanford
elizabeth proctor
mary parker
john proctor
ann pudeater
margaret scott
samuel wardwell
john willard
alice young
sarah wildes
wilmutt redd
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© Barbara Broughel

mary parker
requiem home
the carringtons george burroughs goody bassett goody ayers martha carrier the corys sarah dashton the greensmiths mary glover mary easty lydia gilbert the englishes elizabeth how george jacobs brigid bishop the goodes mary barnes susannah martin elizabeth knapp margaret jones elizabeth kendall mary johnson alice lake rebecca nurse sarah osburne mary osgood alice parker installation views mary sanford elizabeth proctor mary parker john proctor ann pudeater margaret scott samuel wardwell john willard alice young sarah wildes wilmutt redd home biography projects contact terms of use